Special Reasons
The provisions of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 allow for individuals convicted of certain offences to avoid penalty points if they can establish special reasons relating to the offence itself. Examples of such cases include Marshall v McLeod in which the High Court held that where someone is driving under a genuine but incorrect belief that they are insured then the court can refrain from endorsing penalty points. The circumstances in which special reasons could be argued are limitless and we are happy to provide advice on special reasons relating to any endorseable charge. If a proof is required we will prepare and conduct it with a view to avoiding penalty points.
Special Reasons can also be argued in certain limited circumstances to avoid mandatory disqualification. Such cases are rare and invariably complex. If you have been charged with any road traffic offence and there is some peculiar circumstance surrounding the offence that is out of the ordinary then you may be able to argue special reasons. It is essential to take advice from an experienced road traffic solicitor to find out whether special reasons could apply to your case.